Reinoldus- und Schiller-Gymnasium

Classtrip in form 6d: Sailing on the Kemnader Lake


In Octo­ber we star­ted our clas­strip at the train sta­ti­on in Dorst­feld. The train took us to Bochum main sta­ti­on. The­re we went to the Kem­n­ader lake by bus. Mrs. Genau and Mrs. Bol­du­an were with us for four days.

In the mor­ning we had a tasty break­fast at the hos­tel in Bochum. Ever­y­thing was self-ser­vice. After­wards we took the bus again. We had to walk from the bus­s­top to the lake. Ima­gi­ne! Wal­king in the mor­ning! The­re we met Peter, our sai­ling ins­truc­tor. First the­re was (bor­ing) theo­ry les­son. We lear­ned four sai­ling knots during class and how to prepa­re the boats.

On the first day we sim­ply padd­led on the lake, but on the next day we alre­a­dy lear­ned how to sail across it. Ever­yo­ne hel­ped to prepa­re the boats. Some­ti­mes the­re was no wind and we ned­ded the padd­les and the sail. Some­ti­mes some fun­ny things hap­pen­ed. One boat got stuck so that two class­ma­tes couldn´t move on, one time the­re were swans that wan­ted to have a look at our boats. In the evening we had our meal tog­e­ther and then we play­ed games in the dining-room. Some orde­red non-alco­ho­lic cock­tails at night, some drank too much coke.

One day we had an ice-cream tog­e­ther after sai­ling school and on the next day we went to the pla­ne­ta­ri­um. The­re we wat­ched a film about our earth. Ever­yo­ne was hap­py on the last day, some missed their fami­lies. We all had fun on the lake once again, and then it was time to say good­bye to Peter, to the boats and to the lake.