Reinoldus- und Schiller-Gymnasium

Goodbye Dortmund – Hello Ermelo

Ermelo Bild
Ermelo Bild

From the 2nd until the 6th of Febru­ary, our class (9e) had an exch­an­ge with a class from the Chris­te­li­jk Col­lege Gro­e­ven­beek in Erme­lo, a small town in the Netherlands.

Day 1:
Good­bye Dort­mund, let’s get rea­dy for a two-hour jour­ney to the Net­her­lands! In the bus, we were won­de­ring what this exch­an­ge would be like, how we would get on with our exch­an­ge part­ners, the family…questions upon questions.
In the end, all worries were need­less. We were given a warm wel­co­me and also expe­ri­en­ced a gre­at varie­ty of sports in the following.
At the end of the day, it was final­ly time to go to our host fami­lies who did their best to make us feel com­for­ta­ble. Thank you very much for that!

Day 2:
Tues­day, or should we say cycling day? As many Dutch stu­dents cycle to school every day, we had to take on this chall­enge for the who­le week as well. The posi­ti­ve aspect: school in the Net­her­lands starts at 8:30 a.m. Any­way, Chris­te­li­jk Col­lege Gro­e­ven­beek is a high­ly modern school com­pared to ours. Could you ima­gi­ne having smart­boards ever­y­whe­re in our school?
At about 10am, we left Erme­lo and went to Har­der­wi­jk, by bike of cour­se. Despi­te some litt­le acci­dents, ever­yo­ne arri­ved safe and sound and had a nice time in the inte­res­t­ing city. In the evening, we went to a piz­za place in Erme­lo, an appro­pria­te award after all the cycling.

Day 3:
Ams­ter­dam, here we come! An impres­sing metro­po­lis which has ple­nty to offer, e.g. the famous Van Gogh muse­um. Well, a muse­um is not the most exci­ting place, but still inte­res­t­ing. And when do you have a real Van Gogh pain­ting in front of you? After the muse­um, we had some lei­su­re time. For most of us, it meant: shop­ping, shop­ping and…shopping. But that was not all. Never end a day in Ams­ter­dam wit­hout having seen the famous Ajax Sta­di­um. It’s defi­ni­te­ly worth the visit.

Day 4:
That day, we rea­li­zed that this exch­an­ge was not only about having fun. Cue: assign­ments! We had to prepa­re some pre­sen­ta­ti­ons with gene­ral focus on the dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween Ger­ma­ny and the Net­her­lands. Howe­ver, it was­n’t real­ly exhaus­ting work. In the evening, we were even more proud to pre­sent our results in front of all the parents.

Day 5:
Crea­ting beau­tiful col­la­ges, reflec­ting the past week and smi­ling for a last group pic­tu­re. Then, it was alre­a­dy time to say good­bye, one or ano­ther even had to fight with his tears. But don’t worry, we will see each other again in April.

At this point, we would like to thank ever­yo­ne who made this exch­an­ge pos­si­ble. We lear­nt that it is not as hard as expec­ted to com­mu­ni­ca­te in Eng­lish. Once you speak the lan­guage, it gets easier and easier. Many thanks also to Ms Nie­berg and Mr Lind­ner who accom­pa­nied us and always show­ed cheerful­ness during the week. Tog­e­ther, we will give our best to let our new Dutch fri­ends enjoy a memo­rable time in Dortmund.

Once again:

Thank you! Dank je wel! Dankeschön!

Kath­rin Otto & Marc Künker

Ermelo Bild