Reinoldus- und Schiller-Gymnasium

Q2: Advanced courses trip to England, London

IMG 20231019 WA0027
IMG 20231019 WA0027

We will never for­get our exhi­la­ra­ting trip to Lon­don. The ico­nic Shake­speare Glo­be Theat­re left an inde­li­ble mark, trans­port­ing us back to the Bard’s era wat­ching the come­dy As You Like it. The Bri­tish Muse­um, a tre­asu­re of histo­ry, show­ca­sed civi­liza­ti­ons through the ages. From mum­mies to the Roset­ta Stone, every exhi­bit was a les­son in time. The Sky Gar­den atop the Wal­kie Tal­kie buil­ding offe­red a breath­ta­king pan­ora­ma of the city. Amidst the clouds, we mar­ve­led at the modern sky­line. Lon­don is a city that seam­less­ly blends histo­ry and inno­va­ti­on and which left us inspi­red and awestruck.