Reinoldus- und Schiller-Gymnasium

Travel Report 6d: Our class trip to Nottuln


Vor unse­rer Klas­sen­fahrt haben wir im Eng­lisch­un­ter­richt einen tra­vel report gele­sen und bear­bei­tet, sodass wir nach der Fahrt einen eige­nen report ver­fas­sen konn­ten. Etwa­ige Ähn­lich­kei­ten mit der Geschich­te “It was ama­zing.…” sind frei erfunden.…..

Our trip to Not­tuln was ama­zing. We all were very exci­ted when we were wai­ting for the bus on the mor­ning of Sep­tem­ber 30th, 2019. Nobo­dy cried when we had to say good­bye to our moms. The way to the youth hos­tel was very exci­ting and ever­yo­ne was hap­py. We ate a lot of crisps on the bus. We nee­ded about one hour to the youth hos­tel and it was real­ly big and it loo­ked very nice.

We had lots of acti­vi­ties. So we made a rale­ly into town. We asked many peo­p­le ques­ti­ons about Not­tuln. At an infor­ma­ti­on cent­re we got a stamp of the Sant­ia­go pil­grimage and in an ice-café we had an ice-cream. Later we met on the mar­ket place and went back tog­e­ther to the youth hostel.

In the evening of the first day we all went into a forest. At first we got a sound detec­tor to find bats. We heard lots of bats!!! By a lake we saw and heard more of them. This was ama­zing! At 10.00 pm we had to sleep.

Next day we did an art work­shop. First we thought it would be bor­ing and the woman had a very loud voice. But when we star­ted to paint on can­vas it was gre­at fun. At the end we all had dif­fe­rent art works. They were all beautiful!

It was also exci­ting when we for­med two groups in the youth hos­tel and went into the forest to play “Stra­te­go”. The­re we found our shel­ter. It was fun when we hid in the forest and caught the other group. On Wed­nes­day we went home but then we were very tired on the bus. May­be it was becau­se of a par­ty we wan­ted to have in one of our rooms. We won´t tell you in which room becau­se our form tea­chers are also inte­res­ted in this report.

First we wat­ched a movie with the class, but then we had to go to bed. Some of the boys wan­ted to visit us in our room to have a par­ty. One girl wan­ted to look for some boys on the cor­ri­dor, but one of the form tea­chers found her. The girl said, “I heard a stran­ge noi­se out­side.” The tea­cher told her, “Don´t worry! I take you back to your room!” But she didn´t know that some other girls were alre­a­dy hiding in the rest room. Lucki­ly the form tea­cher didn´t find that out! For us it was exciting!